Stonekreek Feed & Farm Supply is here to help you and your cattle reach your goals. We work in partnership with Floradale Feed Mill Ltd., Jones Feed Mills Ltd., Grober Nutrition and Liquid Feeds Inc. Please reach out to us to see what we can do for you today and in the future.
calvesTuffStuff Creep Pellets
16% Whole Start Calf Grower w/ Deccox 18% Whole Start Calf Starter / Deccox 13.5% Non-Urea Beef Grower Infra-Vealer Grower Ration w/ Rumensin Premix/Minerals1:1 Mineral
2:1 Mineral Brooder Cow Mineral Plus Pasture Mineral w/ Bovatec & Garlic Beef Grower Premix w/ Rumensin |
liquid feedLiquid Protein Supplement (LPS42%)
Sodium Bicarb Bentonite Rite-Lix TubsRite-Lix 16%
Rite-Lix Mineral Rite-Lix Maxi |
Bulk Feeds
Bulk feed is delivered direct from our supplier to your farm! Please contact us to set up your next delivery. There is a large variety of bulk feeds available and we can always customize to your needs!